Find peace by letting go of the key habits that disconnect you from it?

One of the reasons we experience stress, anxiety and a feeling of disconnection is due to the many unconscious habits of behaviour we engage in… Without even realizing it!

When we continue to act in these ways, we reinforce these habits, which lead to more stress, anxiety, lack of motivation, draining our vitality, while disconnecting us from our heart and the people we care about.

10 Days / 3 Key Habits

Over 10 days you’ll explore three key limiting habits of behaviour and learn to let them go, so you can find more peace, regain your vitality, live more fully and connect more deeply with yourself and the people you care about.

Woman watching surise.

The theme of this course is captured beautifully in this quote from Rumi:

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” 


Habits and Behaviours

Much of the reason we don’t naturally live from our heart is because we’ve built barriers and limits against it... Habits and behaviours can be limits!

But one of the biggest challenges we face is that we don't even realize we have these limits. So, unless we recognize them, understand them, and learn to let them go, peace, stillness and connection also remain limited.

It’s hard to fully comprehend how deeply our habits and behaviours impact our well-being… until we start to let them go. And this starts with a willingness to honestly explore these habits and the underlying emotions that fuel them... which you've expressed by being here!

When we recognize them, understand them, and learn to let them go, there’s an incredible freedom that arises in our body, mind, and heart. Like a weight being lifted.

The Three Pillars

  • Identify

    The key to letting go of any self-limiting habit is to first identify it. In this course you'll start by identifying three key habits of behaviour that hold you back.

  • Understand

    For the deepest letting go, once you identify the habits that negatively impact your life, you'll dive deeper into your self knowledge by exploring the underlying emotions that fuel the habits in the first place.

  • Let it go!

    Once you identify and understand these habits and associated emotions, you are then able to let them go in a deeply profound way.

It's time to let go!

We find peace and freedom when we get out of our own way.

This course provides you a systematic process to let go of three key unconscious behaviours and attitudes that hold you back.

Emotional Work

Learning to let these habits go is as much about understanding and releasing the underlying emotions that sustain the habits, as it is about identifying the actual habits. The two are deeply connected, and throughout this course you will be working with both.

During these 10 days you will learn a very important life skill - The ability to work with your emotions.

What to expect

  • Over 10 days you’ll dive deeply into three key limiting habits that hold you back from living more fully and connecting more deeply.

  • You’ll identify how they manifests in your daily life, explore the underlying emotions that fuel the habits, and then learn to let them go.

  • Each day you will receive new video lessons. Each day builds on the last, creating a progression and deepening of self knowledge and greater inner peace and freedom.



  • Do I have to complete the course in 10 days?

    No. While the course was designed to be done over 10 days, you can choose to go through it at your own pace. If you miss days, simply pick up where ever you left off.

  • I've never done emotional work before. Is this course appropriate for me?

    Yes. Whether you have or haven't done any emotional work before, you will learn the important foundations for working with your emotions - a very important life skill.

  • I don't think I have any negative or limiting habits. Will this course still be beneficial for me?

    You'd be surprised what habits you have that do create limits in your life. Behaviours that you may not have considered habits before. So, yes, this course will be beneficial for you as it will help you to understand yourself more deeply by exploring some of your self-limiting behaviours, how they impact your life, and the underlying emotions that create them.

  • What time is the daily content released?

    New content is released every 24 hours for 10 days based on the time you register.

  • Will my access to the course expire?

    You will retain access to the course, so you can repeat any of the lessons whenever you like. As long as the Peacekeeper Project exists you will have access.

Your Guarantee

To give you peace of mind that you're making the right decision, you have 5 days to test it risk-free, and see the results for yourself. If after 5 days of doing the lessons and practices you don't feel happy with your results so far, contact us and we will refund your money.


Hi, I'm Ben Fizell,

I’m a meditation and mindfulness teacher, nature lover, a curious heart centered human being and founder of the Peacekeeper Project.

My mission (and that of the Peacekeeper Project) is to help create a more peaceful and connected world by helping people, just like you, live from your heart.

My inspiration for creating this course follows along this line.

Over more than 23 years of my own personal inner work, helping students and clients on their journey, and observing the stress, drama and suffering that plays out in the lives of people all over the world, it’s very clear to me that we can achieve significant peace, freedom and deeper connection in our life if we let go of the familiar habits of behaviour that limit us.

That’s why this quote by Rumi so beautifully reflects the theme of this course:

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” 

I created this course to help you let go of some of these barriers so you can reconnect to, and live more confidently, from your heart.



If you have any questions please send an email to [email protected]